"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's the true strength"

Monday, March 26, 2012

"Pregnant and I Know It"

Saw this video today and it was well worth putting on the blog.  So clever and oh-so-true!
Make sure to watch until the end...gotta love husbands for listening to their pregnant wives :)  I give her a high five for doing this and entertaining us all!


Boy vs. Girl

Baby Barrett is still a surprise and now that my belly is getting bigger, it's fun to hear all the gender theories and guesses. I may have to start a poll soon! (need to figure out how to do that on here)

Here are the predictions using all those fun Old Wives Tales I've heard and read about: 

Chinese Gender Chart - GIRL
Prefer to sleep on my right side - GIRL
No nausea - BOY
Dry hands - BOY
Craving citrus - GIRL
Clumsy -BOY
Fat face - GIRL
Ice cream, chocolate, candy - GIRL
Mood swings - GIRL
Carrying high - GIRL
Carrying all around middle - GIRL
Pendulum test: circle - GIRL
Show my hands palms up - GIRL
Pick up key by round end - BOY
Heartbeat over 150 - GIRL

Sure looks like a girl if you believe in all that stuff! Good thing we agree on girls' names :)
I have no feeling either way and maybe I will as I get bigger, but J is convinced it's a boy (of course). 
Either way, as long it's healthy, we'll be happy!  

Week 21 Ultrasound

Last week we had our big Dr. appointment, including the oh-so-anticipated anatomy scan ultrasound. Jason hadn't yet met our OB, so he had the day off to make sure he wouldn't miss meeting her as well as seeing Baby B on the ultrasound.
Normally, most couples look forward to this big appointment to find out if they are having a boy or a girl. The fact that we could find out the gender wasn't our main excitement for the day. We were looking forward to seeing Baby B on the screen and confirming everything was perfect. And sure enough, Baby B measures perfectly and has all the parts he/she needs! Total relief. I have a low lying placenta and will have another ultrasound in about six weeks to make sure it's moved, but not too worried and more excited that I'll have another peek at Baby B.

We did make sure to let the tech know that we weren't finding out the gender and although we watched the whole ultrasound, we wouldn't have been able to detect anything. How they can tell which black spot is the bladder or stomach or kidneys is beyond me!
Here are pics of our beautiful baby. Again, the foot has made an appearance and I cannot wait to kiss them!!

I have been known to be pretty nosy, so the fact that we're not finding out the gender has surprised a lot of our friends and family. In fact, I've surprised myself with my patience. You may recall a blog post I had done back in December about Patience, and it's truly something I've learned to embrace. Of course we can't wait to meet Baby B and find out whether it's a boy or girl, but for now, I'm content knowing he/she is healthy and we're all doing okay.

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Birthday Holiday

St. Patrick's Day is my holiday! I never miss out on the green beer, shamrock kisses and bag-pipe music. For the last 10+ years or so (pretty much since I've been 21), I've been out celebrating my holiday, and usually starting at 9am until the wee hours of the morning. You see, my birthday is March 18th, the day after, though if you see me out on St. Patty's, I will surely be telling everyone that it's my birthday...and I will be celebrating as though it is.
Growing up, my mother would tell me my birthday story and that I was left by the leprechaun's for her and my dad. Of course when I was little, I would cry and ask my mother "but why didn't they want me??" I suppose it's easier than explaining how I really got here and and it may have started my love for St. Patrick's Day. I still love that story.

This year my holiday was a little different. This year was a bit of a Catch 22.
I wasn't able to party with all my friends and celebrate the holiday as I usually do. I was feeling a bit down about it, but on the other hand, I have exactly what I want, a baby in my belly. It's pretty hard to be sad that I can't be out partying when I'm happily pregnant.
So I still dressed in green, met my friends at the bar, enjoyed a beer (okay, so it was non-alcoholic, but it was still a beer!), and enjoyed the music of a live Irish band. And guess what...it was a blast! Quite entertaining actually to be the sober one in the group! And I can't remember the last time I wasn't hungover on my true birthday; it felt pretty darn good.

Thanks everyone for sending birthday wishes and making my holiday yet another special one!

Next year, I plan on heading to Chicago to celebrate My Holiday. And better yet, I'll have a little leprechaun of my own :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012


It seems like just a few weeks ago I was slumped over in the shower, bawling, and staring at a positive pregnancy test and here I am, twenty weeks pregnant! Not just pregnant, but unbelievably happy pregnant! Sometimes it's still hard to believe where we were and where we are now.

I have truly enjoyed every day of this pregnancy (other than the days I was sick with a head cold) and have made sure to appreciate the true miracle growing inside my ever-growing belly. I've caught myself a handful of times, wishing I was bigger, wishing I was closer to my due date, and wishing I was holding our beautiful newborn baby. Then I stop and remind myself to s-l-o-w  d-o-w-n. I know soon enough I'll have that beach ball belly and then will be a week past my due date and finally, holding our baby. So for now, I will enjoy the fact that I'm pregnant!! and enjoy all the things that come with it, fun or not.

The first half of this pregnancy has been wonderful; I really have no reason to complain. I think God may have given me a pass on the nausea, cramping and other symptoms that don't need to be said, so I can enjoy this pregnancy after all the hardships it took to get here. I thank him every single night when I go to bed, for without him, I wouldn't be in this place. However, I may be asking for a few favors soon enough. I would love to spend the next twenty weeks heartburn and cankle free, but if not, I'll still be a happy, smiling, pregnant momma-to-be!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

If only it were that easy!

I came across this article and had to share. It was quite humorous to me as not only have I thought a lot of these, but some of them were words of advice when we were struggling to get pregnant.
I shall never underestimate the miracle of conception and will always be amazed when it happens to those who perhaps it shouldn't (i.e. teenagers, mother of six on welfare, celebrities like Snooki...to name a few). If only they truly knew how lucky they were and truly appreciated the miracle they were given.

7 Ways to Get Pregnant Without Even Trying

For all you infertiles out there, I think our reaction is all the same: If only it were that easy!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Project Nursery

Time to make room for Baby Barrett!

I think I may have started this project a little backwards. I found and bought the dresser/changing table and crib a little over a month ago...but there was no where for them to go! Add onto that the diaper stockpile I've started, many gifts we've received and the cute outfits I couldn't resist and we have a project on our hands.

We are converting our "office" into the nursery, however, the "office" had become our dumping ground the last few years for all things that didn't have a place (wasn't really an office at all). Let's just say it looked a bit like an episode of Hoarders. (okay, maybe not that bad.. but there was still wedding gifts from four years ago in original boxes in there!)  Time to get down and dirty and clean out.

I wish I had taken a before picture to show you what we started with, but it was too embarrassing. However, after a full three-day weekend a few weeks ago of boxing up things, this is where we "started" this weekend:

At least you can see the floor again! Our vision of the nursery is finally coming into view and we're definitely motivated to get this done.
This weekend J and a buddy changed out the nasty fluorescent lighting with a new ceiling fan and light and a new switch that dims the light and the speed of the fan (very awesome!). Already a huge improvement!

Finally we hauled the rest of the stuff out of the room. The next project is to install a chair rail, adding a nice finished touch to the walls (we were lucky to still have liked the paint job I did 8 years ago). So now that it's empty, there is no slowing down now!

Picking Sides

Once again, I'm recovered from my SECOND cold in ONE month.
I started to feel it coming on last weekend and knew there was nothing I could do but wait for it to hit me. Thankfully I was able to work from home two days last week and I literally went to bed at 8pm to ensure I got enough sleep. All of that paid off as the worst of my cold only lasted about 5 days, just in time to travel for work again this week.

I've been so good at taking care of myself, getting enough sleep, eating well (still a lot of fruit!) and washing my hands constantly, but I know my immune system isn't as strong as it usually is. The only thing I can do is look forward to spring and summer and hope to stay away from another cold.

It's hard to get mad and complain, as I know my body is picking sides. And how can I be upset when it picks the baby over me? For once, being the losing side is perfectly fine with me.

Tap Tap, Who's There?

Baby Barrett is!!!

I FINALLY felt the first movement from Baby Barrett last night!! (at 10:32 pm to be exact!)

I can't even tell you how happy that made me! The past few weeks I've been trying everything to get the lil' bugger to move enough for me to feel it. Lots of poking, prodding and rubbing the belly to no avail. But last night Baby B must have felt it was finally time to make it's debut. I had been busy all day with errands, cleaning, projects and decided to take a nice bath to relax and ease the soreness I was feeling (it's amazing how sore you can get by doing everyday things). I got out of the tub and went to watch SNL with J before heading to bed and finally I felt something! I haven't quite figured out what the temperature should be for a bath while pregnant and perhaps it was a bit more warm than it should have been and maybe Baby B was telling me to cool off a bit :)  I felt it loud and clear! I waited a few moments to see if it was my dinner digesting or anything, but it was definitely not that. I felt these little taps in my belly (probably about 7 of them), in the same spot and I knew it was the feeling I've been waiting so long to feel.

As much as I want to keep feeling those little taps, I won't be taking hot baths to encourage it. I know in only a short period of time now, I'll be feeling much more than that. Can't wait!