"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's the true strength"

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bring on the ovulation kits

What can be so hard about peeing on a stick to find your ovulation cycle? Turns out really hard!!
The first kit I bought was the simple 7 day monitoring. I thought it would be super easy. Just follow the directions, pee on the stick every day and then I’d magically see the positive lines telling me that I was ovulating, right? Not quite. 
After two months of those kits and no positive ovulation sign, I stepped it up and bought the 20-day pack so I could test more days of my cycle. What if I was an early or late ovulator? Again, nothing. 
So I then bought two of the 20-day packs and tested twice a day during my next cycle. This is when I started to get scared. The “what if I have no eggs?!” thoughts started to set in.
Not only had I spent a hundred some dollars on these stupid tests, but how accurate were they and did I really have something to worry about?? Were my ovaries empty tombs??