Tuesday, November 22nd
It's been a week and a half since the transfer and thankfully we've been really busy so the time has gone by pretty fast. I was traveling in Seattle for work last week, and then J's uncle passed so we spent a lot of time with family over the course of the weekend, and our minds and hearts were with them.
Yesterday was my first appointment for bloodwork to get my first beta. They measure my levels of hcG, which is the "pregnancy hormone" but won't tell me anything until my second beta on Wednesday. This way they can measure the levels again and confirm they are doubling as they should and that I am truly pregnant or not. If my levels aren't doubling, it could be a chemical pregnancy.
This morning I made the decision to "cheat" and take a home test. I was dying to know and even though I would find out tomorrow, I couldn't wait. I woke up before my alarm and didn't hesitate to get out of bed. I turned on the shower, and before I jumped in, I peed on the stick. I set it on the toilet seat and got in the shower and just stood there in the water...heart pounding...and not sure what to do. Do I look at it? What's it going to say? Can I handle the disappointment? I couldn't avoid it so I peeked out the shower and stared at the test....
I immediately lost control. OH MY GAWD!! I'm PREGNANT!!! I was bent over in the shower, could barely hold myself up and was hysterically bawling. I just kept saying over and over, "Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God." I will NEVER forget this moment.
I barely got myself together to finish my shower and then got ready while I waited for J to come down to the bathroom. He turned on the shower and I looked at him and pointed at the test. He said "I told you not to take a test!" (he didn't want me to take a home test incase it was wrong). I told him I couldn't wait and he said "Well, what did it say?!" I told him to look at it and the look on his face was priceless. His first response was "Oh My Gawd! How accurate are these?" I assured him 99.9% and he was too happy to even say another word.
I know I have my second beta tomorrow, but I already know the results :) Now I have to hold it together and keep it a secret when all I want to do is shout it from the rooftops!! I'm pregnant!!!!!
I'm totally crying. So beautiful!!!!!