"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's the true strength"

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Red Carpet Debut!

Here it is. My blog.
 I never really thought I’d ever be a blogger, and by no means, did I ever think I would be blogging about my journey to reach motherhood and the struggle it has been....and continues to be.
Until now, I’ve shared my journey and experiences with some family and close friends and they have been my shoulder to cry on, my cheerleading team and my sense and reason when mine has run out. But due to recent changes, I’ve decided to open it up further. I need to express my feelings, the good and the bad, and I need the support. I should have done this earlier, but am glad I can now share our journey with you and can only hope I am able to help someone else going through a difficult time.

It may be best to start from my first post to understand where we are now. We began our journey quite a long time ago, alot has happened and there is more to come.  


And a big thanks to a certain "Fertility Friend" - you  know who you are! - for the inspiration and motivation to do this. Although I hardly know you, you are already dear to me and am glad we have each other for support.

1 comment:

  1. LOVING the blog! I hope this blog helps you as much as blogging has done for me! Your rocking it girl :) I look forward to following more of your journey and for the POSITIVE outcome!
