"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's the true strength"

Monday, June 10, 2013

Ten Months - Flashback!

The last baby bump picture I took was at 40 weeks. I ended up going another whole week but never took a last picture before Miss Eva arrived. And really, I was HUGE so there was no need for another picture anyways.
Sometimes I look back at the progression of bump pictures and try and remember how it all felt. The first time I felt her move, the hiccups she had every night, and the kicks. Oh the kicks. How I miss those kicks! I'm so glad I was able to experience the miracle of pregnancy and birth. If we hadn't been able to conceive, we still would have adopted in order to have a child, but as a woman, being pregnant is something we all want to experience. It truly is a miracle and the feelings and movements are unexplainable. As much as I loved feeling pregnant, it wasn't easy for me. Between the very swollen ankles and feet and weekly AFib episodes, I was very anxious for her to arrive. That last week of pregnancy seemed like a lifetime!

Now when I think about the last 40 weeks, I cannot believe how much has changed. Not only how much Eva has changed, but also how much our lives have changed. We have this beautiful daughter and she is such a joy in our lives. It's hard to remember this "little" 9lb 11oz baby that we brought home from the hospital and being first time parents and how we would barely get any sleep because we'd just sit and watch her sleep (if only then we knew what we know now!). Our lives are most certainly more full and complete with her in it. And much more busy! We've come a long way and have a long ways to go, but I'm so thankful to have this blog so I can look back all the way to the beginning.

I thought it would be fun to do a little flashback...

Here is my 40 week baby bump...

And here is our 40 week "little" Miss Eva! (how did that ever fit in my belly?!)

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