"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's the true strength"

Friday, January 13, 2012


I recently read in one of my pregnancy blogs that cravings can start as early as the second month. For some reason I had thought it would hit much later, like second or third trimester, but this definitely explains it! I am all about FRUIT!

It first started about a month ago. I got home from work and all I could think about was gummy worms. So I called the hubby and told him to get me a bag on his way home. Turns out that's all I needed for dinner that night, though I don't advise eating a big bag of gummy worms for dinner; the stomach did not approve about an hour later. And Skittles, I put a big bag of those down within a matter of days but realized I can get the sweetness of fruit, without all that nasty sugar.

Ever since then, I've been a fruit-a-holic. I've always liked fruit, but really didn't each much of it. It always seemed to go bad before I could eat it, so I quit buying a lot of it. Well...we no longer have to worry about fruit spoiling at our house!!

Thankfully the produce section is the first place in the grocery store and I've been taking full advantage. Did you know they sell kiwi's by the bag??  Didn't realize how much I liked kiwi's, until now. And it's not any particular fruit; I like to mix it up. I ate half a canteloupe yesterday for breakfast and had to stop myself. I bet I could have finished the whole thing in no time! I'm thinking my next fruit purchases will be all about berries....

I think my OB will be happy to hear about my cravings. I'm usually a big salt person so this is a great change and definitely good for Baby Barrett. Hopefully it sticks!
I also had a friend tell me that craving all this fruit means it's a boy...only time will tell!

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