"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's the true strength"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Time for some help

It had been a year of TTC and now I was convinced I had no eggs (stupid ovulation kits), so I made an appointment with my OB to ask her for some help. Our meeting was short and constructive. We looked at my tracked cycle for the last year and my medical history and although she didn’t see any issues, our next step was a semen analysis for Jason and an HSG for me. Along with that was a referral to an RE (reproductive endocrinologist).

My thought:  So you mean you don’t just give me Clomid to take and I get pregnant? Nope. Not that easy.

For those of you who’ve had an HSG, then you know how much fun that is. Not. For those of you who haven’t had it, I don’t recommend unless you need to; injecting dye into your uterus and fallopian tubes isn’t as painless as you’d think. But the outcome was all I needed to ease my mind…free and clear! My uterine cavity and fallopian tubes were open and everything looked normal! As for the semen analysis, we had some concerns. The first test showed low count and low morphology so Jason started taking some fertility vitamins I found at GNC and a month later, retested. His levels were higher but the morphology was still a bit low. Although this was concerning…we assumed that we had found the issue and now we’d just need to overcome this and get pregnant!

Our first appointment with Dr. Corfman was December 2nd, 2010. And here began our journey…

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