"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's the true strength"

Friday, January 25, 2013

Little Sous Chef

Miss Eva has been eating more and more solid foods and it's been really fun to experience with her! We started solids a bit early (four months) but she was definitely ready. Oatmeal was her first food and she still loves it, but we've been working on expanding her palette. So far she's had avocados (she's not sure about those yet), peas (they're growing on her), apples and pears (love fruit!), butternut squash, carrots, zucchini and green beans (not a favorite at all).

So far we've made almost everything that she's eaten. Applesauce is actually cheaper and more efficient to simply buy unsweetened all natural, but other than that, we're hoping to make most of her food. It's very easy to do and doesn't take that much time at all. And not only can I ensure she's eating healthy food with no preservatives, we're also saving money doing it!

J went ice fishing last weekend so once Eva went down for bed, I grabbed the monitor, poured a glass of wine and went to work in the kitchen to make and freeze a bunch of baby food.

And Eva is the greatest little sous chef ever. She's always ready and eager to try whatever I've got!

Now if we can just get her to keep more of it in her mouth and not all over her face, hands, hair and highchair.

    Monday, January 21, 2013

    Five (and a half) Months: Break Through!

    I'm a little behind but didn't want to miss an update on Eva's fifth month. Things have been very busy; Miss Eva is growing up so fast that it's hard to keep up! We've made some big breakthroughs this month!!

    For the first big breakthrough...let's get back on the subject of sleep. I never imagined I'd be so obsessed with sleep in my life. Until recently, sleep has been a devious little monster and a sore subject in the Barrett house. We've been talking with other parents for advice (and hated those who told us their babies slept through the night since the first week), read multiple books on different sleep training methods and techniques and done a lot of trial and error. Turns out that every baby is different and we have figured out our own routine. And finally, (knock on wood), we have a sleeper!!
    We start our bedtime routine about 6pm and Eva goes down around 6:30. We've cut out the night-time feeding and are working on letting her self-soothe so if she fusses during the night, she can get herself back down. I'm up about once a night to help soothe her, but it only takes her pacifier, a pat on the butt and she's sleeping again. She sleeps until 6am, which I'm up for work anyways...other than on the weekends when I'd do anything to sleep in. But now that we have a routine down, we won't complain about being up early and definitely won't be deviating from the plan anytime soon!
    The only thing we have left to master is The Nap. She naps great at daycare but is still only taking a couple of half-hour naps when home with us on the weekends. As much as I love to get all the Eva time possible on the weekends, the sight of a peaceful, napping baby warms my heart....and let's me get some much needed laundry and cleaning done!

    As much as sleeping is a HUGE step for us, the biggest breakthrough (literally!) this month are these...

    TEETH! We have teeth! (also referred to as "toofs" and "chicken chewers")
    I've been watching and feeling for these pearlies for weeks now but never saw or felt anything. Then one night during bathtime when I wipe her gums (never too early to start dental hygiene), I noticed one of the bottom teeth poking through. It was like it came out of nowhere! And sure enough, a few days later we had another one!
    And with teething comes chewing...chewing on anything she can get her hands (and mouth) on. And lately, that seems to be her socks. She pulls them off her feet and shoves them into her mouth. Yum.

    Per the advice of many in my mom group, a lot of them swear by these, Eva is now styling her own amber teething necklace. However I'm much too paranoid to have anything around her neck, so she wears it on her ankle. Check out those thighs!

    The idea is that when the amber warms against your skin, it acts as a natural pain reliever. Worth a try! And to be honest, she's barely been drooling and doesn't seem to be as cranky....maybe it's working! I ordered it from Hazelaid and they also sell them for adults...check it out!

    I could write a lot more on all that's been happening, but these were the biggest this month. I can only imagine what big changes will be coming...

    Tuesday, January 1, 2013

    A New Year Begins!

    What a year it's been!  I could write a very lengthy post reflecting on the past year and thanking everyone in our lives, but I feel like I've done that continuously throughout the year with this blog and I hope everyone knows how lucky and appreciative we truly are. So instead of spending too much time reflecting, it's time to look forward! A new year begins!

    We spent most of 2012 watching my belly grow, with anticipation and excitement for Baby Barrett to arrive.
    I would've thought there was no way to top last year, but I think I could be wrong. We are very much looking forward to 2013 and instead of watching my belly, we will be watching Miss Eva grow and thrive. It's going to be a fun and crazy year; hopefully we'll get more sleep soon so we can keep up!

    I've never been one to make New Years resolutions as I believe we should be trying to better ourselves and our lives year round. But since life is now much too busy to continually worry about bettering myself, I need to do something more feasible. Of course I want to do what everyone else does....exercise more, eat healthier, save more money, be more green....but we all know how successful those resolutions are. Instead, I plan on making a small goal each month and if successful, adding another goal the next month and so on. And since it's a goal (definition: the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end), I'm hoping it's less pressure in case I fail. My first goal will be included in a new post shortly!

    Eva has also set her own New Years goal...though I've already told her that thunder thighs are acceptable (and cute!), at least until she's mommy's age.